The Importance of the Church in the Mission of God (1 Cor. 3-4)


Mack Stiles

Mack Stiles and his wife, Leeann, have been missionaries in the Middle East for 20 year where he has been involved in university student ministry, church reform and church planting and, most recently, pastoring a church in Iraq. Mack has authored six Christian books. Including: Marks of the Messenger and Evangelism: How The Whole Church Speaks of Jesus, and a new book to give to non-Christian friends about Jesus due out spring of 2022.  Mack loves to proclaim the Gospel of grace to those who haven’t yet heard whether next door or halfway around the world.  Mack is currently the new director of Messenger Ministries Inc. in Louisville, Ky.

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A host of angels gaze forever and ever into perfect love and beauty, anticipating the day when our souls will experience perfect peace, as they declare, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty.”

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