We call this generation to make their lives count by making Jesus' name known.


We are built for 18-25+ year olds and their leaders.
But we understand that there are mature high schoolers and those in their late twenties who can benefit so we do not maintain a strict age limit.


We emphasize the gospel, the local church, and God's heart for the nations.

GET TO know us a bit more...


We are both serious and joyful.

We aim to match the tone of the conference to the weightiness of the topic at hand. As one of our founders, John Piper, said to a previous gathering at CROSS, “We don’t urge you to come to CROSS to make your life easy. We urge you to come to make your life count.”


We care about lasting change.

We don’t want to manipulate emotions that quickly flame out in unfulfilled expectations, but rather we aim to instruct the conscience for lifelong faithfulness.


We want to ground people in God's Word.

We want those who attend to grow deep theological roots so we instruct through main talks, panels, testimonies, and topical breakouts.


We sing loudly together.

Grasping God’s rich mercy and grace from the Scriptures, we respond with heartfelt praise, singing with one voice both new and old theologically rich songs.


We point people to local churches.

An event can be a great tool for discipleship, but it’s not the God-ordained, normal means for Christian growth. It’s for this reason that we encourage all those who attend to dive more deeply into their church after the conference.


We believe everyone has a role in the Great Commission.

Fulfilling the command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations will not be accomplished by a select group of “super Christians.” Every follower has been charged to take part — either as a sacrificial sender or a dedicated goer.


We believe that the years from 18-25 are trajectory-setting.

We long to see this generation make key decisions in their 20s that impact the nations for eternity.


We believe group leaders are instrumental.

We love that 90% of our past attendees have come with a group leader. Why? Because we believe the best way to experience CROSS is within a community that can encourage continued perseverance and discipleship beyond the last talk.


We partner with faithful organizations.

We have an exhibit hall filled with missions agencies, seminaries, and resourcing organizations that are eager to serve.