Psalms: The Beauty of God's Love


Zane Pratt

Zane served as dean of the Billy Graham School at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary from 2011 until 2013, before returning to the IMB where he now serves as the Vice President of Training. He previously served 24 years in an Islamic context with the IMB as a church planter and regional leader in Central Asia. Pratt also has experience as a church planter and pastor in New England and as an Army Reserve chaplain. He is a co-author of Introduction to Global Missions and a contributor to Theology and Practice of Mission, both published by B&H Academic. Zane holds a BA from Duke and an M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell. He is married to Catherine with whom he has two grown children, Charlotte and Greg.

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A host of angels gaze forever and ever into perfect love and beauty, anticipating the day when our souls will experience perfect peace, as they declare, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty.”

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