Nina Buser
Brooks and Nina Buser served as missionaries for 13 years among the YembiYembi people in Papua New Guinea. After developing an alphabet in the YembiYembi language, completing a translation of the New Testament, and establishing a church with indigenous elders and deacons, the Busers returned to the U.S. in 2016 to work with Radius International. Brooks is President of Radius International where he and Nina teach courses on language acquisition, Bible translation, parenting and cross-cultural church planting. They have one son, Beau, who is in college, and a dog named Sepik.
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A host of angels gaze forever and ever into perfect love and beauty, anticipating the day when our souls will experience perfect peace, as they declare, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty.”
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A host of angels gaze forever and ever into perfect love and beauty, anticipating the day when our souls will experience perfect peace, as they declare, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty.”
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